A Year Without Dr. Fauci

2023 : A Year Without Fauci


Dr. Anthony Fauci has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984. The NIAID is an umbrella under the National Institute of Health (NIH). Dr. Fauci has been with the NIH for 54 years. To say it lightly, he has been around for a very long time.

He announced his departure in August and officially retired on Dec. 31, 2022.

Along with being the president’s chief medical advisor, he has also been crowned the unofficial Pope of the newest religious cult sweeping America known as the Branch Covidian’s.

Fauci has been quick to jump on interviews with strategically selected media personalities and DNC appendages that moonlight as “journalists”. He seized every opportunity to declare his personal edicts on America during the pandemic.

A staple liturgical mantra of Branch Covidian doctrine has been to “follow the science.” Fauci went so far as to declare himself as representing “science.” Unfortunately, his proposed policies have resembled divination more than bonafide “science.” 

As a result, we have had people afraid to leave their homes, refuse to go back to work, continue wearing masks while alone in their car, and are eagerly awaiting the tenth booster to hit the market.

Billions of dollars have been spent in all of the wrong places. This has been directly linked to Dr. Fauci and his morphing recommendations.

I look forward to a new year without hearing a Dr. Fauci sermonette. It has been unbearable. Fauci has been nothing short of a disaster with COVID policy. He has flip flopped on his position more than a freshly caught cat fish on the banks of the Mississippi.

Allow me to recap some of the Fauci bungles.

Natural Immunity

Dr. Fauci and his cohorts essentially dismissed the known science behind “natural immunity.” Those partners in crime included, but certainly weren’t limited to, the media, the CDC, and pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines. Many of us in the medical community were shouting this from the rooftops but were dismissed as ‘anti-science’ and ‘quacks.’

It is well established in medicine that humans will have a positive immune response to viruses once they have been infected. Our immune systems are intricately designed to create antibodies against viruses that have invaded our body. This guards and fends off future infection from the same virus. The human body is masterful with this process.

Unfortunately, natural immunity doesn’t sell very well. It cannot be manufactured, placed in vial, and then sold for billions of dollars to the United States government. In fact, as of December of 2022 the American taxpayer is on the hook for more than $30 billion for COVID vaccine purchases.

Is it really a conspiracy on why Fauci and company are pushing boosters every few months?


Dr. Fauci is already famous for his 60 minutes interview in March 2020 when he actually told the truth about masks. They are essentially ineffective outside of N-95 type respirators that are expensive and not readily available to the public. Fauci quickly pivoted once he realized that there was power with advancing a directive that he could control.

Despite having a budget of $45 billion, the NIH spent essentially nothing on mask research in regards to COVID. In fact, the NIH has performed very little COVID research. They have set aside $1.2 billion to study the effects of long COVID. We have relied on studies from overseas such as Israel and Denmark for the here and now.

A Key Study

Denmark had one of the earliest and leading mask studies that concluded:

The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use.”

This was dismissed by Fauci as false doctrine. He maintains that masking remains one of the five pillars of the Covidian faith.

COVID-19 Origins and Gain of Function

We still do not have a definitive answer on where the deadly COVID-19 virus originated. We probably never will considering the most plausible source of the virus is the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

In the midst of the pandemic we learned that Dr. Fauci had approved funding from the NIH to a particular lab in Wuhan. Coincidence? I think not!

It gets better!

The NIH funding to the Wuhan Institute was to study whether bat coronaviruses could be transmitted to humans. Can you smell what I’m stepping in?

Dr. Fauci testified before Congress in May 2021. He was adamant that the funding sent to this secretive lab in Wuhan was not for “gain of function” research. This was later contradicted by another NIH official that admitted the research was in fact “gain of function related.” Gain of function research is illegal in the United States and taxpayer monies are prohibited to be used for such research.

Oddly enough, Dr. Fauci has not been held accountable. Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist but could it possibly be that the person in charge of ethical behavior at the NIH just happens to be his wife who is the Chief of Bioethics?

The GOP led house has vowed to continue investigating Dr. Fauci after his retirement. I won’t hold my breath as nothing ever seems to manifest from any Congressional hearing.

Lack of Adequate Research

Part of the NIH mission statement is to “…ensure a continued high return on the public investment in research…”

The NIH has been woefully lacking in adequate COVID research. Without competent research and evidence the only recommendations that can be given are subjective and arbitrary. That’s what we have mostly acquired from Dr. Fauci.

He has broadly promoted vaccinations for everyone without considering risks versus benefits. The gold standard in medicine is to consider if the treatment or cure outweighs the risks associated with that disease state and then make the best clinical decision.

We are now beginning to learn of evidence that the mRNA gene therapies (AKA vaccines) do have some potential adverse side effects. Issues such as myocarditis, menorrhagia/metrorrhagia, and cardiac related death. Rather than proclaiming that the vaccines were “very safe,” Fauci could have been helping with funding and guidance of studies. We still do not have randomized trials for many COVID drug recommendations including the most recent bivalent vaccine.

The CDC went so far as to recommend that children age 6 months and older be placed on the vaccination schedule. They did this without any human clinical data. And they wonder why their credibility has greatly diminished!

Good Riddance

By invoking his own authority and claiming “science” when there was little to no science, Dr. Fauci caused much more harm than good. His bloated ego caused him to promote the most destructive policies in US history.

He was the force behind lockdowns, business closures, masking, social distancing, and keeping kids out of school. In hindsight these were catastrophic failures. It would be different if Fauci’s recommendations were actually based on science rather than opinion.

Dr. Fauci failed to lead the NIH in the appropriate direction by providing funding to researchers that could have provided timely data and aided a solid public health decision.

In the absence of acceptable evidence, the Fauci Covidian doctrine was the edict of the land.

Even though Fauci is retiring from the NIH, it doesn’t mean he will simply ride away into the sunset never to be heard from again.

My hope is to at least have a 2023 year without Fauci!

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