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Government Spending OTL

Government Spending Is A Disease With No Cure In Sight


The United States Congress passed a second COVID-19 relief spending bill last week. Another $900 billion that will need to be borrowed. Most of it will jet around the world to other countries while the American tax payer struggles. Wasteful government spending is a disease with no cure in sight!

Excited Sheeple

$600 is what qualifying Americans will get. A measly $600.

Is this sufficient coverage for anyone who has been locked down for 9 months?

Of course it’s not but the human is an interesting creature. The thought of someone giving us ‘free’ stuff is invigorating. Especially if it’s money. Who cares about government spending?

This is an inability to see the forest for the trees. If a government can successfully cause you to become dependent upon them for survival then the people will no longer have a voice. It’s fairly straight forward.

This is a tactic of totalitarianism. Even with a ‘conservative’ President and a majority Senate, government spending continues to rage out of control. Conservatives are not immune from the highly infectious disease of government spending.

There seems to be no cure and no clinical trials are in process!

President Trump didn’t believe that $600 was enough for the American people. He wanted to give us more.  And still does.  

It’s Not Enough

No matter how much is doled out to the American people it cannot be be enough to make up for what has been lost from government lockdowns. A check in the name of ‘stimulus’ and ‘relief‘ will not reopen small businesses, stop increases in domestic violence, or end the systemic substance abuse. 

The funds can’t replace the education that has been lost. Let’s face reality for a moment. Virtual learning doesn’t compare with face to face instruction. Couple that with the copious amounts of children that just dart off the radar when virtual ‘learning’ is implemented. 

The relief checks can’t replace sporting activities that have been cancelled. The discipline learned from sports is invaluable.

All this does is drive us more towards socialism. 

$600 can’t get you through. It certainly cannot recover anyone after 9 months of hell. I discuss the pork filled stimulus bill and nonsensical government spending in this Podcast + Column. 

The Real Solution

It’s simple. End the lockdowns. End the overblown out of control government spending disease that Congress is absolutely infected with.

Vaccinate them! Oh I forgot, there is no cure.

Government spending is a disease that appears to infect every Congress man and woman that raises their right hand and is sworn in to public service.

And then they proceed to do exactly what they said they would not do. 

We need to stop giving public officials so much control when it comes to government spending. They continue to give themselves raises and are funneled a paycheck every 2 weeks regardless of what’s happening in middle America and localities like Rabbit Hash, KY.

To hell with those hillbillies. 

Roller Coaster Plummet

Once the roller coaster gets to the top it slowly inches forward until it plummets from gravitational effect and the massive amount of weight behind it. Like government spending, it is no different. 

Congress is delusional. Yes both those with R’s and D’s behind their names. Almost all of them, less a select few. The libertarian minded Senator out of Kentucky, Rand Paul is one of the few. He’s worth giving a shout out in this column.

I bet he knows where Rabbit Hash is located. He may have even visited. Possibly has shook the hand of the mayor. 

A mayor who happens to be a French bulldog named Wilbur. 

FACT: Wilbur is more fiscally conservative than many mayors across America!

The social media fact checkers can jump all over that one!

Socialism In The Federal Reserve

In July of 2020 it became known that the United States Federal Reserve was going to start dabbling in the stock market. They have previously intervened to support markets in 2008 and 2020. 

This is not Tom Cruise ‘Risky Business’ but real American ‘Risky Business.’

Without getting into economic Wall Street speak I will just say that by doing this again the Federal Reserve will overshoot a threshold of buying equities. 

Welcome socialism. And it is being done by OUR, as in the United States, Federal Reserve. 

Irresponsible Government Spending

When the founding fathers set up our governmental system, they didn’t create it to function the way it is operating at present. 

Funding government with massive pork filled omnibus bills of 5,000+ pages pushed through in the middle of the night only to be handed over at 2:30pm to then be voted on at 6:00pm was not the intention.

This places power in the hands of a few in Congress. These types of outrageous bills was not the intention of the framers. 

If Congress continues to live and work in Fantasy Land then the question of economic collapse will not be ‘How’ but ‘When will it occur?’

It may come by the time you get your next big fat $600 stimulus check. Who knows?

Maybe next time Congress will throw in an “official Red Ryder carbine action, 200-shot, range model air rifle with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time.” 

If they do that, I just might reconsider my position.

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