Viral Buzzwords Part 2

The Liberal Mantra Mentality: Viral Buzzwords (Part 2)


Language is a powerful tool. Indeed, it is the basis of all human communication. The political elites of the liberal left understand this much better than any other group in the world. They have learned that they can condition their followers using mantra mentality and viral buzzwords. And they are masters at it!

This is Part 2 in the series. I covered the following viral buzzwords in Part 1 and Part 3

  • Black Lives Matter (BLM)
  • Choice/Reproductive Healthcare
  • Rich/Wealthy
  • Income Inequality
  • Climate Change
  • Diversity
  • Racism
  • Systemic Racism

Let’s get started!

‘Nationalist’ Viral Buzzword

‘Nationalist’ is a word that the liberal left has truly turned upside down.  Also, it has been emptied from all of its true meaning and contents.

Merriam-Webster defines ‘nationalist’ in this way:

  1. an advocate of or believer in nationalism.
  2. a member of a political party or group advocating national independence or strong national government.

In contrast, this is not even remotely close to how the liberal left define ‘nationalist’. A nationalist, according to the democratic platform, is a synonym for ‘racist.’ 

The term ‘racist’ has been used so frequently that it has become like the single libation to the alcoholic. It has zero effect. So they have cleverly began to steal other words and substitute them for ‘racist.’

By definition, a nationalist can be from ANY political party. It is important to realize that Webster doesn’t specify ‘republican’ or ‘conservative’ in the definition. However, the Democrats do. And ironically the left do not use the term in support of the United States. It is used more so as a derogatory buzzword. The liberal left will tell you that the United States is a terrible and evil nation full of ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacy.’

“And you better believe us or else. Got it? Redneck!”

A nationalist by its true definition advocates for national independence.

Conglomerate Liberal Left 

The progressive democratic liberal left are a conglomerate of Marxists, Socialists, Fascists, and Communists. They believe complete government control is a positive. Subsequently, in their mind, this will lead to complete utopia.

But don’t dare ask citizens in Venezuela or North Korea about the Communistic and Socialistic utopia. Because they just aren’t well versed in how well their government is doing and how much it loves them.

And when the left are willing to double down and get more specific with using the term ‘nationalist,’ they will emphatically throw ‘white’ in front.

‘White Nationalist!’

You see there cannot be Black, Yellow, Brown, Red, Blue, or Green ‘nationalists.’ Because only ‘white’ people are racist. Those Rednecks that chew tobacco, kick the dog, drink moonshine, and eat moon pies. They cling to their guns and Bibles. The King James Version only of course! 

Did you know that? Racism is similar to COVID-19. In like fashion racism IS a respecter of persons. 

It bypasses anyone with moderate to high melanin counts. In like manner to COVID-19 with those wearing face masks.

Of course that’s absurd. But that’s the mentality. 

Advocating for national independence (nationalist) = bad.

If you are Caucasian and advocate for national independence = The sin against the Holy Spirit! 

‘Hate Speech’ Viral Buzzword

‘Hate Speech’ is another viral buzzword that has been around for some time. Similarly to ‘racism,’ it has several synonyms and connections.

Any verbiage NOT in agreement with the liberal left agenda is considered ‘hate speech’ by the tolerant Democratic party.

‘Tolerance’ is another word that has been redefined. The real world meaning of tolerance is allowing the existence of other points of views, opinions, or methodologies. 

Tolerance, in modern liberalized context, means ‘the absolute acceptance of and agreement with views that can align only with the liberal left.’

So disagreeing with any professing liberal would be ‘intolerant.’ Additionally any rebuttal would be labeled as ‘hate speech.’ Furthermore, if you happen to be white then you will also receive the tag of a ‘white nationalist.’

See how this works? It’s a progressive snowball. Literally ‘progressive.’

Christianity Attacked

This is especially where Christians who abide in the principles and precepts of Christianity get attacked. Other labels and viral buzzwords such as ‘fundamentalist’ and ‘bigot’ get hurled as vitriolic retaliation. 

Anyone on the liberal left cannot honestly profess orthodox Christianity. It simply is contrary to the Democratic platform. Thus a subjective inventive form of Christianity must be possessed by the self professing liberal ‘Christian.’ No longer can the bible be the objective standard for the professing ‘liberal’ Christian. Everything is subjective. 

This is NOT how Christianity works. But liberal mentality is that there is no existence of absolute truth. Truth is relative.

As an illustration, try denying the existence of gravity while jumping off of the Empire State Building and see how that works out!

To be sure, Christians are not allowed to have religious objections to homosexuality or abortion. That is according to the Democratic playbook. Oddly enough Muslims get a pass. Even though Islamic doctrine is not ‘tolerant’ of those practices. Hypocrisy begins to ooze from every pore of the liberal left. 

Any favorable mention or discussion of conservatism is also labeled as ‘hate speech.’ We have now moved into the realm where disagreement is labeled as ‘inciting violence.’

It truly is out of hand!

‘Disinformation’ Viral Buzzword

This viral buzzword has been picking up steam in recent months. Especially in the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential election and fraud claims. 

There have been numerous media outlets refusing to print anything regarding election fraud that would somehow favor Donald Trump. Big tech oligarchs, left wing ‘news‘ anchors, ‘journalists,’ political pundits, and Democratic sycophant celebrities have repeatedly stated “There is no evidence of election fraud.”

Big Tech Partisans

Twitter and Facebook were quick to slap ‘warning’ labels and 3rd party ‘fact checking’ statements on any post having to deal with election fraud. In addition they went further with shutting down conservative accounts. At the same time they justified this ban by claiming users broke the twitter ‘rules.’

Hidden in the Twitter and Facebook ‘rule’ book is that you automatically break the ‘rule’ by being a conservative.

To put it another way, this is code for, “We don’t agree with you. Your conservative ideas are hate speech and you are inciting violence.”

Undoubtedly there have been several proven cases of election fraud. They are slowly stacking up like Natty Light cans at a college frat party. Be that as it may, it appears the Democratic party has no time for discussing these real and proven election fraud cases. Conversely they have another impeachment in which to waste our tax dollars.

To that end, Joe Biden has been inaugurated and they have expectations.  

Likewise with many of the other liberal viral buzzwords, ‘Disinformation’ is a word that has been hijacked. Stripped of its true definition and repackaged to be used as a liberal mantra viral buzzword. 

The liberal left will use it as disagreement regardless if what was said is true and accurate.

They simply do not care!

“Dreamers” Viral Buzzword

The ‘Dreamers’ viral buzzword is one that morphs into other terms depending on the season. Former President Barrack Hussein Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program in 2012. The policy gave temporary protection to undocumented (AKA illegal) migrants who arrived in the US as children. Although many of them were in their 30’s. 

Using liberal mentality you can redefine anything. But to be fair there are those in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s that act like children! Many hold political office in the Washington D.C. swamp.

Former President Donald J. Trump rolled back the DACA program in September of 2017. 

But now that Joe Biden is the 46th POTUS, the term ‘Dreamers’ is no longer being used. Why you ask?

Word Salad To Gain Voters

It’s simple. By definition (for now anyways) ‘Dreamers’ are already present in the United States. The liberal Democrats are already laser focused on expanding the voter base. After all there are House and Senate seats to pick up in the next round of elections. 

Those who cross our border illegally are by definition ‘Illegal immigrants.’ But this is not acceptable language according to liberalism. It’s ‘hateful’, ‘mean’, and ‘intolerant’. 

Again, liberal lunacy causes one to leave reality and enter the land of Oz. And everyone it seems has the same condition as the Scarecrow!

Those living in foreign lands are well aware that liberalism in America is their friend. The facts are that Democrats in Washington see illegal aliens as votes and not people. So the focus phraseology has shifted from ‘Dreamers’ to ‘Migrant Workers.’ 

As soon as Biden was announced as the 46th POTUS, large caravans began forming in South America heading towards the Mexico-United States border. The Democratic party is well known for spending copious amounts of money on propaganda in South American countries. The propaganda isn’t much different than what is propagated here in the United States.

They offer the stuff of ‘free.’ There is no better way to gather votes than to give stuff away.

Other synonyms used for dreamers are:

  • Undocumented workers
  • Foreign born population
  • Americans in waiting
  • Economic driven immigrants
  • Asylum seekers

Many of the illegal aliens that end up at the border seem to have been well versed in ‘asylum seeking.’ This is commonly their claim. They are coached by the ‘coyotes‘ who help them cross. 


One of the classic liberal viral buzzwords associated with illegal aliens is the fact that ‘cages’ are used. This is purposeful language. And instead of combatting the nonsensical rhetoric, the right wing Republicans give this a pass. 

This is a key parameter to the creation and use of viral buzzwords by the Democratic left. ‘Cages’ creates a visualization for people. It forms an illustration that connects to the argument and in turn tugs at the emotional heart strings.  It gives them the idea that people are being treated like dogs. 

Ever seen the Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercial?

I am convinced that this video could be used as torture. Just place the person in a room and force them to listen to this on a loop.

Using language like ‘cages’ creates confusion. Therefore, conservatives  revert to defensive posturing when debating these issues. The conservative must attempt to unwind the rhetoric of ‘cages’ to bring the conversation back to its proper context. 

Poor Rebuttal From The Right

This is commonly never combatted effectively. Other than when former Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director, Thom Homan, was on Capitol Hill discussing border security. 

Overall, it is masterful from the liberal. I must give credit where it is due. By playing the viral buzzword semantics game, the liberal can effectively distract. Distract from real context. It creates an argumentative posture from the opposing side and the liberal just sits back and smiles as the opposing argument gets lost somewhere in Joe Biden’s brain. 

The liberal then just interrupts the incoherency from the conservative. This causes them to stumble and allows the liberal to double down.

Democrats have used social media, the fake news media, and propagandist to effectively use viral buzzwords. 

The conservative right have had no counter attack. None, zero, zilch, nada!

And it shows!

Intentional Mind Sculpting

The liberal left (AKA Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Marxists, etc.) intentionally shape the mind of the masses to automatically associate everything anti-liberal to something radical and ‘filled with hate.’

They are master users of reverse psychology. They can steal your wallet and then turn around and blame you for stealing it. 

Got that? Racist!

More Liberal Viral Buzzwords To Come

There are literally hundreds of viral buzzwords the liberal left will use to push their agenda and distort reality. These are leftist mantras used to proselytize both young and old. 

And they are extremely effective. It’s high time we conservatives and libertarians start calling foul on the liberal semantics and viral buzzwords.

Don’t give them a pass. Call their bluff and challenge them on the semantics.

However, we must educate ourselves first. Information and education is power!

Be on the lookout for Part 3 in this series of The Liberal Mantra Mentality: Viral Buzzwords. You can read Part 1 HERE.

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3 thoughts on “The Liberal Mantra Mentality: Viral Buzzwords (Part 2)”

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