JeCovid Witnesses

The JeCovid Witnesses: Bringing Salvation To Your Door


We’ve all had it happen. It’s Saturday morning and we have slept in just a tad bit longer than we do during the work week. After slumbering around for a while we are finally up and ready to head out for an enjoyable afternoon of whatever the world has in store for us. It may be shopping, walking the dog, taking the kids to a park, golfing with friends, or a myriad of other things. Just as we are ready to head out the door we see them coming.

They come in pairs. They can be distinguished rather easily from Mormons. When it is not two very young men in white shirts, bicycle helmets, and name plates that designate them as “elder”, you can be sure you are dealing with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In a sudden lapse of wisdom we answer the door instead of pretending to be a bean bag chair and waiting them out. We are then sorely engaged in a thirty minute conversation about their Jesus who is strangely depicted as a 1980’s Kenny Loggins look alike in the Watchtower magazine they offer you. The literature is commonly riddled with poor theology that denigrates orthodox Christian doctrine. Denials of the deity of Jesus along with scores of grammatical errors are common. Sadly, it is a tell-tell sign of the ignorance of the religious cult. They have been led astray by lies and are now evangelizing others with what they believe is the “good news.”

On July 6, President Biden announced he was going to send out “volunteers” literally going door to door to push the COVID-19 vaccination. This comes on the heels of a failed administration goal to have at least 70 percent of Americans having at least one jab by Independence Day.

Oh the irony!

The Branch Covidians

The progressive Left have bonded together in unity and instituted yet another worldwide religion. The Branch Covidian faith has amassed a Manson-like following.  It comes complete and organized with a media selected Pope in Dr. Anthony Fauci. Interestingly, Fauci has not treated the first COVID-19 infected patient.

President Biden serves on the board of deacons and relays pre-scripted information via teleprompter when he isn’t asleep on the couch in the Oval Office or out with the Secret Service on a woke Ben & Jerry’s ice cream run. The Democratic party and the mainstream media serve as the remaining clergy.

With the proclamation of a new doctrine of door to door vaccine evangelism comes the creation of the JeCovid Witnesses.

It will be difficult to ascertain if you are dealing with Jehovah’s Witnesses from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society or the JeCovid Witnesses from the Branch Covidians.

JeCovid Witness Mission

The proposed purpose of sending out door step missionaries is to educate the public on the necessity of injecting the synthetic mystery juice known as the coronavirus vaccine.

The Biden administration believes that there are millions of individuals that are hesitant to receive the vaccine because they adhere to “misinformation.” This is quickly becoming code for the Left. Another viral buzzword that they use to mislead others with their “misinformation.” A page taken directly from the play book of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

I have a prophecy. The JeCovid Witnesses will bombard us with language like, “You’re being lied to by Satan’s minions that intend to harm you. We are here to bring you the real truth.”

In combination with verbal fabrications, I am certain the JeCovid Witnesses will be packing their own spurious literature. I cannot contain my curiosity and wonder if they will also have Sunday School brochures strewn with artwork depicting Pope Fauci in a beautiful field preaching a sermon with a congregation surrounding him listening with intensity. Each member of the flock wearing no fewer than three masks.

“Accept the vaccine my little children. It is a path to your salvation.”

Of course those are my words written in a facetious manner. If you have ever seen a Watchtower magazine you know precisely what I am alluding.

There is a fervent effort to coerce millions of Americans to take the vaccine. At the same time there is no sense of urgency to test or vaccinate the thousands pouring across the southern border that are carrying COVID-19 (not in back packs). And not only infected but overtly spreading the disease in American communities.

This is a typical hypocritical tactic of the Left. They will steal your wallet then pin the crime on you. 

False Teaching

In lock step with distorted religion comes false teaching. The crafty false teachers understand how to propagate their doctrine. They will blend in some truths with the perversion.

Undoubtedly, the doorstep missionaries will not be discussing the number of deaths caused by the COVID vaccines. Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly reported a 6,000 increase in deaths since December 2020. All adverse reactions can be reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The system is co-managed by the The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the CDC.

Shortly after reporting the increase, the CDC quickly performed an about-face by removing the 6,000 deaths and decreasing the number of vaccinations reported by 4 million.

The witnesses will also have to be on their A-game ministering heavily after they inform their subjects that they would still have to mask up after receiving the vaccine.

Intercessory prayers will be needed!

Will You Accept The Free Gift Of Salvation?

A departing sales pitch will no doubt be that the vaccine is complimentary of the government. The free gift of salvation is available and all you will have to do is accept it into your arm. The next best thing would be to be baptized in the vaccine holy water by Pope Fauci himself. This has yet to be approved by the elder board.

I remember when I was a boy in a Baptist church after the preacher had finished the message. High noon was among us and you could audibly hear the gastric roars from the congregation over the pianist as she played “Just As I am” for the tenth straight time. Not a sinning soul was leaving until somebody sprinted down front to “accept” the Lord and “be saved.” 

I cannot tell you how many times me and my buddies were “set free”. Almost every week one of us had to take one for the team and rededicate our lives to God almighty. Someone had to stop the psychological manipulative madness.

Similar to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the JeCovid Witnesses have been led astray by falsehoods. They have embraced the distortions and will be eager to spread them in your neighborhood. Are you willing to receive?

A still, small voice is whispering to me. It has me believing that American Patriots will not allow the JeCovid Witnesses to hang around on their front door step very long.

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