Why 'On The Level'?

What You Will Get From 'On The Level'

You will get honesty! I am a straight shooter. I do not particularly care about offending someone by stating facts or my values. I call it how I see it. When I see the political Right going off the rails (and they do) I will call them out. When the political Left is looking to spend us into oblivion and take away basic constitutional rights, I call them out. I have no golden handcuffs!

Contributors will do the same. My friend, the talented singer/songwriter and political contributor, Tal Bachman will also hold all accountable. You will enjoy his writing along with the times he joins me for an OTL Podcast.  

shawn waugh and tal bachman

Who I Am NOT

I (Shawn) am not a political activist. I am not a political insider. I have zero ties to local, state, or federal government. I don’t come from money. I grew up in lower-middle class family in Kentucky. My parents were both factory workers. My father had a high school education. My mother had an 8th grade education most of her adult life until she achieved her GED. I am so proud of her for that! I didn’t go to an Ivy League school. I worked for my education and I am proud of that. Like most Americans, I go to work everyday to support my awesome family.

Who I Am

I am follower of Jesus Christ. A Christian with Orthodox Theology. Saved by God’s grace and it is only Him that keeps me there. Am I a sinner? Absolutely! It is only by His grace I can repent and learn. This happens daily! Just ask my wife. I host a weekly Christian Radio Show on Grace Life Radio
I am a Physician Assistant and have practiced medicine since graduating from the University of Kentucky in 2005 (Go Cats!)

I proudly serve the United States of America as an Army Reserve Officer.  I commissioned in 2013 as a 1LT as a Physician Assistant.  I currently hold the rank of CPT.  

I am married to my beautiful wife Jade.  We have a Christian blog where we discuss the hurdles of homeschooling and rearing our children as the Lord instructs.  and we have 5 wonderful children (4 gals, 1 gent).

I want to be a voice for hard working Americans with conservative values. There just simply are not many outlets for us common folk to turn to.  

My Outlook For 'On The Level'

My hope and prayer is to provide an outlet to speak for the millions of others in America who are just like me. In a world where one can lose their business, job, source of income, or even family for just speaking up and saying what they believe. Our first amendment constitutional rights are gravely under attack. Saying what needs to be said and having a silent ‘Amen’ from America is fine by me. You are welcome to help me speak out, but I certainly understand that in today’s rabid ‘cancel culture’ this is not the safest idea for everyone. It just isn’t worth it when livelihood comes into play.

Who Are We

OTL is a source of conservative information. 

Shawn Waugh is the founder of the ‘On The Level’ platform which includes opinion articles and podcasts.

He will often joined by recording artist Tal Bachman.  Tal writes opinion pieces for SteynOnline.com on a weekly basis.   

Our Mission

Our mission is to keep the Main Stream Media in check and ‘On The Level’. 

We also are not shy about calling down professing conservatives when they reveal blatant hypocrisy or go against traditional conservative values.

We want to be a platform and a voice for the every day hard working American.

What We Do

We look at political news from a 3,000 foot view and attempt to give the most fair and balanced approach to every issue at hand. 

We search for and present truth and refuse to let media spin reign from either side of the political aisle. 

Shawn Waugh

Shawn Waugh

Founder of 'On The Level'
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non providen. Mollis senectus nostrum consequatur iusto orci, dolorum, consectetur asperiores aliqua leo et, placeat, deleniti, voluptatum modi voluptates aute justo, adipiscing iaculis esse eu molestiae provident necessitatibus labore corporis.
Tal Bachman

Tal Bachman

Contributor to 'On The Level'

You can find Tal’s written content at Steynonline.com

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